Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Monday, February 8, 2016

Boys and Basketball

Landon and Owen both had Saturday morning basketball games that we had a chance to see before heading off to our own game at Dubuque Wahlert. 

Landon - 4th grade

Owen - 1st grade

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Landon Turns 10!

Ten years ago on January 26 our first grandchild entered the world.  A Denver Broncos theme helped this special boy celebrate his birthday.

Pizza for lunch as Landon's choice

Pouring over the Super Bowl magazine

Under Armour football cleats from papa & nana

The Cam Newton pose complete with gloves & cleats.
Little brother looking on.

Happy birthday!

Watching the Iowa basketball game.

Don was invited to conduct a basketball practice for Landon's team several weeks ago.  It was a fun evening!

A Week in Florida

January 23-30 was a week in Florida for me for our annual "sisters week" at St. Pete's Beach.  Don held down the fort in Iowa winning two basketball games.

We enjoy walking the beach.

Sunset on our first night at St. Pete's

Fort DeSoto park   

An afternoon of biking at Fort DeSoto

Great shell finds
Mom and Dad came to join us at St. Pete's.

Many games of Sequence with mom

Bob and Lori joined us on Thursday and we all headed to Crabby Bill's for lunch.

Lunch at Bubba Gump's on Saturday before Judy & I fly home.