Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Joys of Little Boys!

After my five day weekend with the Indy Showalters with Cade and Kasen, I got some time with the CR Kahler boys by babysitting Thursday and Friday. 5 year old Landon and 2 year old Owen keep this Nana busy and laughing.

Thursday: train table time, pool time, dress up time, play dough time, computer time.

The battle of the super heroes.
Even super heroes get tired!

We had a delightful evening when Melissa came home. We played outside and went for a walk in the cooler weather.
Bedtime story time: Melissa reading to Landon

Friday. We had tentative plans to go to the IC Children's Museum in the morning and then to McDonalds. Plans change! After the early morning rain we wandered outside to check out the weather and ended up playing in the coolness and walking in the neighborhood. I enjoyed reading many books to the boys today.


Owen gives our days a "thumbs up!"

I will return next week to babysit again! Yea.

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