Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 5 - ROME! (Actually Pompeii)

Tuesday, July 12

We booked an all day bus trip to Pompeii. It is about a three hour drive to Pompeii. 19 centuries ago during the summer of 79 AD, Vesuvius suddenly erupted completely destroying Pompeii. Its ashes, gases and hot clouds claimed lives but at the same time preserved the existing environment and a way of life typical of the ancient Roman society. The layer of ashes preserved intact people and everyday items, buildings inside and out, all remained hidden until the first half of the 18th Century when regular digs were organized. Before being destroyed Pompeii was a classic residential center, inhabited by noble families who brought with them their wealth from agricultural production, especially wine.

In the background is Vesuvius that erupted in 79 AD.

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