Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Home....and Off Again!

After a long, long day of traveling we arrived home Thursday evening. The flight from Rome to Detroit was 9 hours and 22 minutes. I watched 2 movies, read, napped, ate and napped. I started on laundry around 9:30 because Don and I are both off again the next day - Don to Snow Valley Basketball School at Wartburg College for 18 days and I'm off to Indianapolis to see Brent, April, Cade and Kasen. I will babysit the boys Saturday and Sunday while B & A take an anniversary weekend away. Happy times for me!

Snack time!

Play time. Cade is "reading" the directions to me.

Bath and bed time.

Sunday morning play outside time

Game time with Cade while Kasen naps.

Filling the pool on this hot day.

Water balloon time!

Successful weekend - Brent and April had a wonderful anniversary weekend away and we (Cade, Kasen and Nana) had a wonderful weekend together.

The blessings of little boys! After my official babysitting duties were over, I stayed another day and a half to get extra time with B, A, C and K.

1 year old happiness!

3 year old creativity!

Another HOT day - pool time!

Lunch at the airport before we have to say good-bye. At least we get to be together in a few weeks at the beach! More fun times to come.

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