Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Hurrah of Summer with Nana

August 19
Before Kindergarten starts for Landon, I thought we should have one more summer play day together. Actually he went to school yesterday (Thursday) and the other half of his class went today so that gave us a day to play. I met Scott and the boys in Iowa City at West High School where he is now teaching. I took their vehicle and boys and we were off for the day!

The day started with breakfast at iHop. Yummy pancakes!

Then off to Wasserbahn at Amana where we played for the morning at the water park. Landon's favorite activity was going down the BIG water slides. Owen loved running and splashing around in the little kids section. He would go down the small water slide with me.

Back to Nana's house for lunch, naps & rest. During Owen's long nap Landon got interested in flags. Looking through my travel books he then colored national flags from the places that we've traveled. (He was wearing his Italy t-shirt that we brought him which had a flag on it). Later we googled national flags and printed them all out.

FUN, FUN, FUN day! On the drive to Iowa City where we met Scott, Landon mentioned that our day went really fast. Indeed it did because we had so much fun together.

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