Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer Fun with the Boys

I returned to Iowa after the Spain USA trip so I could spend some time with the grandsons.  I got to spend a week with the Kahler boys while Melissa was at work and Scott was taking classes.  I transported them to Coe College for a basketball camp, went to a movie and ended on a Thursday night sleep-over at my house.  The sleep-over of course involves a movie on the big screen with popcorn.  Friday we went bowling before Scott picked them up.

Owen at Coe camp

Landon at Coe camp

With papa's GOLD medal

Landon with a strike!

Owen with a spare!

Of course, a stop at Ghurties after bowling!
The following week I went to Brownsburg to visit the Showalter boys.  Hot weather was perfect for swimming.  Many, many games of UNO were played, bike rides and games of HORSE.

I traveled with the Kahlers on Sunday to pick up Landon at Snow Valley Basketball camp.  This was Landon's first year at camp.

Award ceremony - Don speaking to the group with Landon looking on.

Landon with his coach - Tyler Griffith

Lunch with papa before heading home.