Retirement! Here We Come. (Well, Don is back to work)
by Vicky Showalter

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas 2015

A wonderful, family-filled Christmas!

Christmas Eve 


Time in papa's gym.

One of these years it will work!

Mom and dad came over on Christmas day.
Days following Christmas
Time for games

and lego building!

Hurt's Donuts!

Fruit Loops donut!

Owen says thumbs up.

Adult game time when the boys go to sleep.
April won in Dutch Blitz.

Showalter Christmas
Showalter Christmas at Dave and Cathy's house on Sunday.

Monday - ice/snow day
The Kahlers could not make it back to our house.
We spent the day inside with activities.

Kasen mixing up a new batch of playdough.


and drawing.

Read aloud time in papa and nana's bed.

Iowa Hawkeyes BB game
Landon & Owen came for another night on Tuesday and we
went to the Iowa vs #1 Michigan State game.  Iowa WON!

New Year's Day
Go Hawkeyes!  New Year's Day at our house for the
Rose Bowl.  Fun day even though disappointing game.
Baby Ayla, daughter of Josh & Katie

Darrel, Janet, Josh and Katie

Dad and Mom

Judy with her granddaughter, Ayla
The Fun of Christmas with these five!
Cam - 2 years

Kasen - 5 1/2

Cade - 7 1/2

Owen - 6 1/2

Landon - 9 (1 mo shy of 10!)